The Alliance for a Healthier Vermont is a coalition of health care providers, advocates for low income Vermonters, consumer advocates, senior advocates, and others who have come together out of concern for the increased role that soda and other sugar sweetened beverages (SSBs) are playing in the prevalence of obesity in our society.
We believe Vermonters would benefit from a penny-an-ounce excise tax on SSBs such as soda, sweetened iced teas, sports drinks, energy drinks, fruit juices or drinks with added sugar, and flavored water, with the funds earmarked to support health-related programs.
New UVM poll finds strong support for a sugar sweetened beverage excise tax
to finance health-related programs
Among the poll’s findings were when respondents were asked to provide their level of support for an SSB tax after being asked to give their opinion on various health messages, 58% supported a penny per ounce SSB excise tax
Click here to see the complete poll results
Sugar Sweetened Beverage Tax is on the Move in the Vermont Legislature!
The Vermont House Health Care Committee has just passed a penny an ounce SSB excise tax by a vote of 7-2! This is a very important first step.
The bill now moves to the House Ways and Means Committee for a vote. We need Vermonters concerned about obesity and SSB consumption to contact legislators asking them to vote for this!
You can find contact information for Vermont Legislators at:
For more information about the SSB tax, click here. If you have any questions, contact Alliance for a Healthy Vermont coordinator Peter Sterling at 279 6840 or
How much sugar is in your drink?
Please help us spread the word about the adverse impacts of excess SSB consumption. Ask your doctor, dentist and others to put up one of these posters where the public can see it.